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Showing posts with the label Petronas ARBOR MTF 10W-30

Importance of Anti-Wear Properties in Engine Oil

One of the most important aspects you should look for while deciding about the engine oil is its wear protection properties and let me tell you, it is not something you should ignore at any cost. For mechanical and transmission devices, lubrication is important and that too with superior anti wear properties. However, there are many engine oils with good anti wear properties, but in extreme conditions, they miserably fail. However, Petronas ARBOR MTF 10W-30 is one of its kind engine oils that can be your perfect friend when you are looking for high end performance and that too with best anti wear properties that can work in extreme operating conditions. One of the most influential properties of this series engine oil is that they are good at maintaining the high thermostability and that too by applying constant lubrication oil pressure. They are perfect in all senses and you can rely on them for the best engine performance. If you are looking for more information on the